A Court of Mist and Fury

Author : Sarah J. Mass

I was broken heart because the author ruined Tamlin. Suddenly, my sweet and kind golden prince being the foolish fae. And his place replaced with dark, mysterious and powerful prince of night. And yes, although I am sad because of Tamlin; but I not be able to put this book unfinished and discover more about Feyre’s journey, friends and romance. Be prepared, this book is just as lovely and lively as the first one. It is very hard to not grabbed for this book now and then and read and dream about Feyre’s land.


This second book picks up 3 months after Under The Mountain. The horror they all endured during Amarantha’s still haunted them, day and night. And Feyre was broken inside and don’t know how to repair herself. Tamlin pretends not to notice and with a reason for protecting her, Feyre is not allowed out of the Spring Court Manor. His action makes Feyre depressed, frustated and feel trapped within until Night Court help her to escape

At Night Court, Feyre learns about the Court of Starlight and Dream. Slowly she recovers from her depression and heartbreak, also she finds friends and family and then her mate in this court. But with the war in edge, peace is still far away. Together with Rhys, she tried to figure out what is Hybern plan and how to null the cauldron.

So, as I said in the beginning, I am sad because of Tamlin. And of course I am sorry for Lucien. But however, I love the relation development between Feyre and Rhysand. And it really can’t help because I also change my ship to Rhysand and Night Court too.

And I must say, I also fall in love with Velaris. I really like this city. I am shock when it got attack from Hybern. And Feyre is badass. I love how her power improve in this book. I love also Cassian and Azriel. I need more about them.

At last…. Just read. It is really amazing

Read also:

A Court of Thorns and Roses

Immortal Rules

Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1)

Author: Julie Kagawa

Yes, this book is about vampire. But, Julie Kagawa play in different platform. It takes place on a neglected world, when demon are everywhere and being dominant. Not only vampire, here you can find also rabids – the vampire mutant.

Our heroine, Allison Sekemoto lived in a vampire city as an Unregistered. Being Unregistered means you must fight for your food, clothes and place to sleep. But you are free, you are not pet to the vampire, no need to get ‘blooded’ twice a month. Allison hates vampire very much coz they are responsible to her mother’s death.

But, when Rabids attacked her gang in a food hunting, and tore her up pretty bad, a vampire offer her a chance to be the Undead. And yes, as predictable, our heroine choose to turn. (However, this book is about vampire right?). As a newbie, Allison splits between her nature as vampire and her hatred of the monster itself. And the rest of the book tells about what kind of monster Allison choose to be and how she do to help humanity.

You will always be a monster – there is no turning back from that. But what kind of monster you become is entirely up to you.”

What makes this book interesting is Allison character. She is brave, bold and very cool (she brings katana everywhere!!). Fiercelly loyal to those whom she cares for. She is driven and determined, although sometimes she is harsh and unsymphatetic.

Courtesy: bloodofeden.fandom.com

And to make this book more passionate, it has romance too. Zeke or Ezekiel Crosse is 100% human. He is a human leader of a small group searching for Eden. Opposite from Allison, Zeke is kind, friendly and trusting. And which make Zeke very loveable is because he have ability to see the best of people.

He doesn’t know that Allison is a vampire. So when the truth come out, he is really confused how to handle his feeling since he already fall for Allison. The curiosity of what happen to him in the next series is enough to make me sure that I will read the next book.

My best scene? This one:

“But at least try to look a little more raider-ish, okay? We don’t want to attract attention.”
Zeke’s snort sounded suspiciously like laughter. “Allie, you’re a beautiful, exotic-looking vampire girl with a katana. Trust me, if anyone is going to attract attention, it’s not going to be me.”
I didn’t answer as we crossed the flimsy, creaking bridge into the lair of the vampire king. If Zeke had asked, I would’ve said that I was thinking of how to find everyone, but that wasn’t entirely true. I was thinking of the others and how I was going to get them out alive…but I kept being distracted by the thought that Zeke had called me beautiful.

Golden Kompas

Author: Philip Pullman

The Dark Materials Trilogy


Lyra Belaqua hidup dalam dunia dimana jiwa manusia terhubung dengan dæmon. Hidup bagai anak liar di Akademi Jordan, Lyra bersahabat dengan Roger. Ketika Roger ditangkap Pelahap, Lyra berangkat ke Utara dengan tujuan menyelamatkan Roger.

Semakin jauh perjalanan, bersama bangsa gipsy, melawan kelompok Pelahap, diserang kaum tartar, menghadapi beruang berbaju besi hingga klan penyihir; membawa Lyra mengetahui semakin banyak tentang ayah dan ibunya serta ambisi di baliknya.

Lyra berhasil melewati berbagai kengerian tersebut, tanpa mengetahui bahwa dengan membantu yang lain, dia akan mengkhianati yang lain.

My opinion

Buku ini pure fantasy. Bercerita tentang adanya alam semesta lain yang paralel dengan dunia Lyra. Dan bagaimana manusia dalam hal ini “gereja”, kuatir akan dampaknya terhadap mereka. Dan seperti banyaknya buku-buku yang mengutip Alkitab, kata-kata yang dikutip tidak sepenuhnya benar.

Karakter protagonisnya, Lyra, seorang anak yatim piatu yang hidup di Akademi Jordan – Oxford. Hidup di antara para Cendekiawan tidak menyebabkan Lyra menjadi disiplin dan patuh, dia hidup bagai anak liar, menjelajah kesana kemari dan memancing masalah. Perjalanannya ke Utara, membantunya untuk membangun karakter serta potensinya.

Seperti banyaknya buku fantasi, dunia Lyra penuh dengan magic, ciptaan mistis, fenomena supernatural. Setiap manusia punya dæmon yang ternyata berkaitan erat dengan jiwa mereka. Pemisahan dengan dæmon menyebabkan jiwa merekapun hilang. Digambarkan pula bagaimana dæmon anak-anak bisa berubah-ubah hingga ia mencapai kemantapan karakter-nya.

Buku ini kaya detail, tentang kaum gipsy, tentang beruang berbaju besi, tentang perang dan intrik politik. The best part menurutku adalah hubungan sayang yang tumbuh antara Lyra dan Iorek Byrnison, sang beruang perkasa.

Dan sebagai akibatnya, saya sangat penasaran dan ingin tahu kelanjutan ceritanya, Pisau Gaib.

The Heir

Author : Kiera Cass

Genre : Young-Adult Fiction

Hmmm I think I choose the wrong start of The Selection Series. I pass all the first three books, and directly read The Heir. Honestly, it makes me decide that this one is enough and don’t have any interest to start reading the series.


The major politics points in Illea is the caste system. After Prince Maxon – now king – dissolve the caste system, the problem is still alive. Former members of lowly castes are still being discriminated against, can’t find jobs, and revolt to have the royal family step in.

Instead, the royal family decide to bringing back the Selection, put their daughter and the future queen, Eadlyn, as the bachelorette. (Seem it is the second round after Prince Maxon, now king, do his own Selection and choose America as his queen). Eadlyn is very independent and never intended to marry; she wants to rule Illea entirely on her own. But during The Selection, she found that maybe happily ever after is not as impossible as she thought.


Princess Aedlyn – not my favorite character. As a firstling, she is very independent (i support independent person), spoiled (this one i can’t stand) and selfish (the worst). I don’t like when she keep complaining everything about everything. At first, about her status as a future queen. Then about Josie. About the boys. About the guard. Everything..

But, this line is good

“I was Eadlyn Schreave. No one was more powerful than me.”
💪💪💪 but please, dont keep complaining.

However, her brother is top. I love Kaden and Ahren. Although I really dont understand Ahren move at the end of this book. But Kaden is great. Just read the line below.

He rolled his eyes. “Don’t talk to me like that, Eadlyn. I’m fourteen, not four. I read all the papers, and I pay attention at the Reports. I speak more languages than you, and I’m learning all the things you have without anyone making me do it. Don’t act like you’re better than me. I’m a prince.”
I sighed. “Yes, but I will be queen,” I corrected, sipping my coffee. I really didn’t need this right now.
“And your name will be in a history book one day, and some bored ten year old will memorize it for a test and then forget all about you. YOu have a job, just like everybody in the world. Stop acting like it makes you more or less than anyone else.”

The boys – I only notice Kile. I love the cool, architect, anti-royal Kile. He is on top of my mind to be the first selected. There is some quite eligible too like Henri, Hale, Ean, but my most fave is Kile 😁 (Kile team)


As I have said in first opening, this one really not my book. Doesn’t make me addicted and hurry to finish it. Also not intrigue me to re-read again.

The Princess Academy

Title: Princess Academy – The Forgotten Sister

Author : Shannon Hale

Rating : 4.5 of 5

The Princess Academy: The Forgotten Sister

Courage is not fearlessness. Courage is feeling justly afraid and yet still doing what is right.
When Miri ready to go home after 1 year at palace, she must directly go far to the swamp for starting princess academy as commanded by the king. Do the journey alone and far from family and her love. And she still do, not because for proud of herself but to save her land and her people.

After find that the reality is far from her ecpectation, Miri starts to build friendship with the 3 sister and helping them to uncover the truth and save the kingdom

Great tales about courage, wisdom and friendship. Worthy to read.

The Forgotten Sister

Some highlight i loved:

“Reading a book is like going on a great journey. You don’t know what’ll happen, but something is bound to change. And for me, that change has always been good”

“But I know that even ill and dying, my mother wouldn’t have let you take me. And that’s the kind of person I want to be, the one who’s holding on, fierce, fighting for life.”

“All progress begins with education, and whenever war begins, education ceases”