
Author: Jane Austen

I heard this book is one of the best of Jane Austen for a long ago, and I really want to make a try. Compare with Pride and Prejudice, for me PnP is still the best. But compare with the other female character in her others book, I prefer Emma.

Being clever, rich, beautiful and with a comfortable home make Emma sure she doesn’t need matromany. However, she delights to do matchmaker for her society. When she ignores the warning from her good friend Mr Knightley and attempts to arrange suitable match for her little friend Harriet Smith, her careful plan soon doesn’t work properly and have consequences that she never expected.

Emma not always perfect, she also do some errors. But I love how after the error she already done, she is really trying to reduce the result and not ignore it.

I love also Mr Knightley. He is not the same Mr Darcy, he is steady, straightforward, gentlemanlike, the man you can rely on.

But the character who really amuse me is Miss Bates. It is very amazing how her tongue really can speak anything about anything and fast. I understand why people around her can’t stand on listening her more than necessary, but I salute her ability to take any subject and talk about it, hmmm blabbering I mean.

The funny character I love also is Mr Woodhouse, who’s a weakly hypochondria forever nattering about the evils of eating food that’s less bland than gruel, getting exposed to the weather, working too hard, or travelling. He regards marriages as tragedies which make woman must left her comfort home and always pity his Isabella and Miss Taylor.

Sense and Sensibility

Author: Jane Austen

It is not what we think or feel that makes us who we are. It is what we do.

It’s already long time while I am curious to read this book. So, after a while, I decided to buy this one. But before my opinion of this book, let me share the synopsis:

Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, sisters with a very different character. They are devoted each other and to their mother and younger sister. They encounter many obstacles on the path to true love. Elinor, the older of the sisters, is ruled by the sense. She restrain and guard her feelings from others, whereas Marianne (about 17 during the time the stories take placd) is openly exuberant in her happiness and inconsolable in her misery. But they are supporting each other, their love and compassion for each other knows no bound.

I love the character of Elinor Dashwood. She is a great sister, trustworthy confidante, strong, smart and responsible. Many occasions show how she conducts her judgment fairly to a situation.

Marianne Dashwood, for me is still like a naive teenager. She can’t guide carefully her emotion. Either when she falls in love or in misery, her surrounding surely will know it. But she certainly grow and learn more in the novel.

John Dashwood; I really can’t imagine there is such people with his characteristic (although maybe many…). It is quite ridiculous how his promise can be easily drive by his wife and how his generosity dwindle from one thousand each to five hundred to an annuity of one hundred alone and then, to no monetary gift at all. How they debated themselves, husband and wife, really a hilarious conversation.

“Perhaps, then, it would be better for all parties if the sum were diminished one half. Five hundred pounds would be a prodigious increase to their fortunes!”

“Oh! beyond anything great! What brother on earth would do half so much for his sisters, even if really his sisters! And as it is — only half blood! — But you have such a generous spirit!”

Edward Ferras, the eldest son of a wealthy family, whom his fortune depend on her mother’s will. It is quite difficult for me how a gentleman must rely to his mother or a wealthy wife to gain living. But as describe by others review, it happens in Austen’s time. However, although Edward in many ways is a dull gentleman, but his act increase my admiration toward him.

There’s some minor characters who attract my attention, but the mostly is Mrs Jennings, who loves gossip and irritating but also a warmhearted lady.

However my only quibble about this book is the resolution over one of the romances. It is not quite satisfying. But in any case, I enjoy reading this.
I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but, like everybody else, it must be in my own way.

Lady of Quality

Author : Georgette Hayer

Genre : Romance

Saya tertarik dengan buku ini karena terpengaruh oleh “The Grand Sophie”. Saya mengharapkan buku yang sama ceria dan menariknya, tapi saya mungkin berharap terlalu tinggi.

About the character

Karakter utamanya, Annis Wichwood, seorang wanita lajang yang cantik dan banyak penggemar tapi belum menemukan seorangpun yang sanggup membuatnya melepaskan kebebasannya. Tapi bukan merupakan karakter yang dapat membuat saya tertarik terhadapnya.

Karakter utama prianya, Oliver Carleton, pria bujang, yang suka bicara blak-blakan dan cenderung kasar. Juga bukan karakter yang menarik layaknya Charles di The Grand Sophie. Walaupun saya cenderung lebih menyukai Oliver dibanding Annis 😁

Terutama yang menurut saya kurang mengena adalah minimnya pertemuan antara Annis dan Oliver, tetapi mereka bisa memastikan bahwa mereka cocok satu sama lain setelah lama melajang. Agak nonsense menurut saya.


Bagaimanapun juga, walau buku ini bukan buku favorite saya dan kemungkinan tidak akan dibaca ulang untuk kedua atau bahkan ketiga kalinya, untuk hiburan cukup lumayan lah.

The Grand Sophie

Author: Georgette Hayer

Genre : Romance


I spent around 7 hours to finish this book, and already started to re-read it again. So, i am sure, you guys already know my opinion about this book. 😁

Tentu saja, saya jatuh cinta dengan pemeran utama wanita, the grand Sophie. I love her character. Semangat dan keinginannya untuk menolong. Kecerdasannya dan kepekaannya terhadap masalah. Dan tentu saja, kelihaiannya dalam bermuslihat. Juga yang menarik adalah caranya memicu kemarahan Charles, sepupunya, yang memang mudah sekali diprovokasi serta mengakibatkan Charles mulai bertanya-tanya apakah keputusannya menikahi Eugenia adalah keputusan yang benar.

Dan saya rasa seperti layaknya cerita romance, harus berakhir dengan happy ending (and I love happy ending …), akhir ceritanya memuaskan.

Ohya, bagi yang tertarik dengan kereta kuda, saya sertakan juga beberapa model kereta yang sempat muncul dalam novel ini

1. Phaeton Carriage

2. Whiskey Carriage

3. Curricle Carriage

A 2-wheeled carriage, a race car of the regency.

4. Berlin Carriage

5. Landau Carriage

6. Gig Carriage

Tapi asal Bibi tahu, salah satu prinsip yang dipegangnya adalah, tak semestinya kita membiarkan kesukaan kita kepada seseorang membuat diri kita buta terhadap kekurangannya.


Title : Persuasion

Author : Jane Austen

Rating : 4 of 5
Kisah romans antara Anne Elliot dan Frederick Wentworth yang diawali dengan terpisahnya mereka karena ketidaksetujuan keluarga Anne dan teman baiknya Lady Russel. 

Delapan tahun berlalu, mereka dipertemukan kembali. Dalam berbagai kesempatan bertemu, Anne harus melewati masa-masa gundah untuk menahan emosinya karena Anne masih mencintai Frederick. 

Mungkin karena saya lebih dulu membaca Pride and Prejudice, karakter Anne jadi terkesan biasa-biasa saja, kurang hidup. 

Secara umum garis besar cerita, runtutan peristiwa dan kejadian dalam buku ini menarik, dan sesuai khas Jane Austen, buku ini happy ending. 
Di dalam buku ini ada beberapa kalimat yang menarik sbb: 

I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.

You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope…I have loved none but you.

My idea of good company…is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.’ 

‘You are mistaken,’ said he gently, ‘that is not good company, that is the best.

Pride and Prejudice

Title : Pride and Prejudice

Author : Jane Austen

Rating : 5 of 5

Keluarga Bennet memiliki 5 anak perempuan yang belum menikah, yang berdasarkan hukum waris tidak dapat menerima warisan tanah dan rumah mereka. Alhasil Mrs Bennet berusaha menikahkan anak2nya dengan pria yang dianggap menguntungkan. Saat Mr. Bingley dan Mr. Darcy tiba, cerita semakin menarik dan menghadirkan kisah cinta menakjubkan antara Mr. Darcy dan Elizabeth Bennet.

Layak dbaca. Tokoh2 nya sangat hidup terutama antara Mr. Darcy vs Elizabeth Bennet. Dari kesombongan Mr.Darcy dan prasangka Elizabeth menjadikan buku ini sangat menarik dalam alur cerita.

Scenes from Pride and Prejudice

-. “Perpustakaanmu di Pemberley benar-benar bagus, Mr. Darcy!”

“Tentu saja bagus. Perpustakaan itu sudah ada sejak bergenerasi-generasi yang lalu”

Buku bisa menjadi koleksi yang berharga turun temurun.

-. “Saya tidak akan berpura-pura memalsukan kejujuran saya agar setara dengan Anda. Anda boleh bertanya, tapi saya tidak perlu menjawab semuanya.”

“Kamu bertekad untuk tetap mempertahankan dia?”

“Saya tidak pernah mengatakan itu. Saya hanya bertekad untuk mengambil tindakan yang, menurut saya, akan berujung pada kebahagiaan saya, tanpa harus mendengarkan pendapat Anda atau siapapun yang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan saya.”

Sangat penting bisa mempertahankan diri dan tidak semata-mata terpengaruh pendapat orang lain.

-. “Kau mengajariku sesuatu, yang sangat berat pada awalnya, tapi paling bermakna. Dimatamu, aku tidak berarti apa-apa.”

Kerendahan hati bisa memberikan pencerahan yang pasti bermanfaat.

-“Aku tahu bahwa kau tidak akan bahagia kecuali jika kau bisa menghargai suamimu, jika kau menganggapnya jauh lebih baik daripada dirimu. Keceriaanmu akan meletakkannu di tempat yang berbahaya dalam sebuah hubungan pernikahan yang timpang. Kau tidak akan bisa melarikan diri dari keadaan terhina dan merana. Anakku, jangan sampai aku menderita karena menyaksikan dirimu kesulitan menghormati pasangan hidupmu.”

Pentingnya menghargai dan menghormati untuk menjalin hubungan yang kuat dan sehat.

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy by Hugh Thomson, 1894